10 Simple Tips on How to Write a Funeral Program

How to Create a Funeral Program

How to Create a Funeral Program

Writing and designing a funeral program can feel like an overwhelming task, especially if it is your first time. In this article, we aim to keep it as simple as possible, providing you with a clear idea of how to create your memorial program.

The Purpose

People will keep your loved one’s funeral program as a memento or keepsake. It’s essential to keep this in mind when writing and designing the program.

Use High-Quality Photos

Use the highest quality photos possible. Reach out to family members if needed to get a better photo. As I mentioned, many people keep the memorial program as a keepsake that they will often look back on and keep for many years to come.

Add Personal Touches

Try to include personal details such as hobbies, achievements, or even the simpler things they loved. This makes the keepsake even more meaningful and personal.

Gather Stories

Ask family and friends to share stories with you that you could maybe share. During this time, many, even seemingly distant, family members would love to share stories about your loved one. Including these stories in your program can help others in the mourning process, keeping the memory of the loved one with them.

Basics to Include on the Front Page

  • Full Name, Maiden Name, and Nicknames (if desired)
  • Date, Location & Time of Service
  • Large High-Quality Photo - The higher quality, the better
  • Birth Date & Place - Date of Passing

First Internal Page

This is where you will include the obituary or a poem can be added as well. This does depend on the size of your program though.

Internal Pages

Depending on your program size, you will have more internal pages for the order of services, a full obituary, and small sections for stories. We recommend using an 8-page funeral program to ensure that you have enough space for photos and text.

Back Page

Here include an acknowledgment section and a pallbearers section. If you don’t have a burial and had a cremation instead, you can add a poem, an extra story, or acknowledgments for many people your loved one has touched or who have helped them throughout their lives.

Making It Unique

  • Include drawings or artwork from grandchildren or children.
  • Add simple images like a flower they loved, a sports team they cheered, a hobby they enjoyed, or organizations they devoted themselves to.
  • Adding phrases or quotes your loved one used to say is a great way to make the program feel unique and warm. For example, “Pull My Finger” was my Dad’s favorite phrase. Funny but true.

Photo Collages

Many of our funeral program templates include photo collages. These are usually found in our 8-page programs. These photo collages are widely popular and serve as a physical, lasting slideshow. People who attend the memorial services often greatly appreciate these photo collages.


Here at Loving Memory Prints, we strive to help you create a uniquely designed funeral program. Please let us know if we can assist in any way. Chat with us or email us anytime.


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