How To Write An Obituary - lovingmemoryprints

How To Write An Obituary


How To Write An Obituary

           Writing an obituary can feel like a very overwhelming task after a loved one has passed away. This simple obituary template and how to will help you along the way. When writing the obituary feel free to reach out to other loved ones, often they feel delighted to be asked and more than happy to help out. The obituary can be thought of as a final goodbye to a loved one. 

             The obituary is often placed on the funeral announcement or invitation. When this is done it is best to keep in mind that the obituary is serving as a story of your loved one, but also a notification of their passing. It is also common for the obituary to be placed in the funeral program, you may want two copies of the obituary one with the location of the service and one without. 

Things To Gather Before Writing Obituary:

These are all suggestions, everyone's obituary is unique and different as we all are in life.

Basics: Full name, date of birth, and death, along with a photo if possible. Education or their professional work history/achievements. 

Surviving Family Members: 

  • Spouse / Partner, children, stepchildren. People will often include spouses of their loved ones' children as well with a “spouse John Doe” usually.
  • Parents, Grandchildren
  • Include anyone your significant other was close with, it's very common for friends, cousins, nieces, etc to be included. 
  • If you don't want to list individual grandchildren or nieces this is also a very common practice. ( John Doe leaves behind his loving wife Jane, Son John, and  4 grandchildren, 3 nieces, and 1 nephew)

Funeral Services Information

                 If your loved ones' services will be held where the public ( anyone ) can attend, it is also a good idea to place the information for the service in the obituary. People will often share the obituary on social media or other media outlets. Keep in mind anyone could show up.


      Any fundraiser or donations being made on behalf of your loved one can be included in the obituary. Make sure you have the information where people can donate included.

Here is a basic template for you to follow to write a simple obituary. Feel free to add any additional information you would like. 

(First Name, Last Name) (“nickname”) passed away peacefully on (Date of demise), at (location), (Cause of Death) “ Example: After a long hard fought battle with lung cancer.”

(Name) was born (date) in ( location) to loving (parents). { It is common to list High school graduation, college education, and employment here} 

 EXAMPLE:  She/He graduated Lexington High (1979) top of their class. She / He went on to study for a master's degree in engineering at Johns Hopkins Engineering. Following graduation, She/He became the chief engineer of Boeing. 

She/ He met (Spouse) in (Year) at (location). (Departed name & Spouses name) they went on to have ( Number of children & Grandchildren). IT IS COMMON TO LIST THE NAMES OF THE CHILDREN.

(First Name) enjoyed their time by (list favorite activities, hobbies, or even great success stories here)

 Example: Our beloved Josh enjoyed most of his free time traveling with his lovely spouse and three children. Josh, was the outdoorsy man if there ever was one, he fished, he hiked, he snowboarded, if it was outside josh was doing it. In his later years, he spent many days walking the beach with his beloved wife. 

(First Name) is survived by ( List close family members & friends)

Example: Josh is survived by his wife, Leane, and their children, Frank, Sarh, and Josh Jr, his daughter-in-law Vivian, son-in-law Kenneth, several nieces, nephews, and cousins, and his dear friend Carl. Include last names if possible.

Service for (First name) will be held at (Location) on (Date & Time). (Donation information for cause or organization)

I will include examples of some obituaries below for your reference. Please see our funeral announcements and invitations they serve well as templates for an obituary that you can include a photo and poem on.


Funeral obituary services template only

Second and final obituary example, please reach out to us if you need any help. we are here for you.


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